Risk to Resilience Lab
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Arizona State University
About the Lab.
Led by Dr. Cortney Simmons, the Risk to Resilience (R2R) Lab aims to better understand the different factors that can lead to or protect against antisocial or risky behavior among young people. Such factors include features about the individuals themselves (e.g., mental health), as well as their environment or surroundings (e.g., parent and peer relationships, violence). ​
We use a multidisciplinary approach incorporating methods and theories from different fields (e.g., developmental and clinical psychology, criminology) to achieve our aims. This approach includes analyzing existing data, having young people complete surveys and computer tasks, and even measuring their physical responses in different situations.
The insights gained from this work may help us prevent antisocial behavior before it starts, as well as inform the development of interventions that help young people already facing these issues.